Friday, May 1, 2009

Vartican Radio - Religious Oppression Continues in Myanmar

27/04/2009 18.35.29
Vartican Radio - Religious Oppression Continues in Myanmar

(27 Apr 09 - RV) EU foreign ministers today extended sanctions against Myanmar for another year to push for democratic change. The ministers called on Myanmar’s military regime to take steps to make planned 2010 elections.

Meanwhile, two members of detained pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi's political party were arrested last week and charged with insulting religion after they prayed for the release of political prisoners. Myanmar’s military junta, which has held power since 1962, tolerates no dissent. The current junta came to power in 1988 after crushing a nationwide pro-democracy uprising and has stepped up its campaign against opposition politicians and activists ahead of elections planned for next year. Religious oppression in Myanmar, also known as Burma, has been widespread for years.

The East Asia Team Leader for Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Ben Rogers, told us more about religious persecution in the country.

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