Sunday, April 5, 2009

The New Kerala - European Union wants role in Myanmar polls, special envoy tells Bangkok

The New Kerala - European Union wants role in Myanmar polls, special envoy tells Bangkok

Bangkok, Mar 20 : The European Union(EU) would like to be involved in observing Parliament elections, scheduled for the next year in Myanmar, the EU Special Envoy for the Southeast Asian country said here.

Piero Fassino, the EU Special Envoy for Myanmar, stated this during a meeting with Thailand's Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Panich Vikitsreth.

The EU is keen to see progress towards political reconciliation in Myanmar based on dialogue among all stakeholders, the Special Envoy told Bangkok.

The Thai Vice Minister emphasised that Thailand was engaging Myanmar to promote economic development and democratisation within that country.

Pro-democracy activists and others have expressed skepticism about Myanmar's declared intent to usher in democracy with the 2010 general elections.

They cite continued suppression of civil liberties and freedom of speech in the country with reports that a lawyer defending pro-democracy activists in Myanmar was sentenced yesterday to four years in jail.

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