Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nasdaq - European Union Could Ease Myanmar Sanctions - Envoy

Nasdaq - European Union Could Ease Myanmar Sanctions - Envoy
Mar 25, 2009 | 2:51PM

JAKARTA (AFP)--The European Union could consider easing sanctions on Myanmar at a top meeting next month if it sees democratic progress in the military-ruled nation, the E.U.'s senior Myanmar envoy said Wednesday.

The European Council, the E.U.'s principal decision-making body, could vote for an easing of sanctions if Myanmar's military junta eases restrictions on opponents ahead of elections slated for 2010, Piero Fassino told reporters.

"The European Council many times declared we are ready to change the sanctions, suspend the sanctions, if there are some positive steps in the direction of our goal," Fassino said.

"If in the next month, there is some positive evolution, for example putting in place real democratic guarantees, we'll consider this, we'll reflect how to handle these measures," he said.

The European Council's external relations council is slated to discuss sanctions against Myanmar at the end of April.

Fassino said the E.U. would only consider the 2010 elections to be free and fair if the government passes fair electoral rules and frees political prisoners, including opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

"It is impossible to achieve a free and fair election if the leader of the opposition is in prison," he said.

Fassino's comments were made at the end of his visit to Indonesia, following meetings with Indonesian foreign minister Hassan Wirajuda and Association of Southeast Asian Nations Secretary-general Surin Pitsuwan.

Asian nations including Indonesia, which underwent a turbulent transition from military-led rule to democracy a decade ago, could play a key role in ensuring the fairness of 2010 elections, Fassino said.

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