Monday, February 16, 2009

UN chief asks military junta and opposition to resume talks

United Nations, Feb 11 (PTI) Admitting that he is not "totally satisfied" with the meetings that his envoy to Myanmar had during his recent visit to the country, UN chief Ban Ki-moon once again has asked the military junta and opposition to resume talks.

Replying to a question at a press conference here yesterday, Ban said he was not satisfied with the meetings that his special adviser Ibrahim Gambari had during his recent visit to the military-ruled country.

"He had good discussions there even though one may not be totally satisfied," he said, adding that he plans to discuss the issue with Group of Myanmar shortly.

However, Ban said he looks forward to building on Gambari's visit with a view to further promoting national dialogue and reconciliation.

He agreed that Gambari was not able to meet with junta chief Senior General Than Shwe but pointed out he did meet with Prime Minister Thein Sein and detained pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

"I would again call on government and opposition to resume substantive dialogue without preconditions and without further delay," the UN secretary-general said.

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