Monday, February 16, 2009

ReliefWeb - Myanmar: Ban calls on Government, opposition to resume substantive talks

ReliefWeb - Myanmar: Ban calls on Government, opposition to resume substantive talks
Source: United Nations News Service
Date: 05 Feb 2009

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on the Myanmar Government and the opposition to resume substantive talks leading to national dialogue and reconciliation, after being briefed by his Special Adviser on the outcome of his latest visit to the South-East Asian nation.

Ibrahim Gambari briefed Mr. Ban on the visit, which took place from 31 January to 3 February, during a meeting in New Delhi, the last stop on the Secretary-General's two-week travels through Europe, Africa and Asia.

"The Secretary-General took note that his Special Adviser was able to continue his consultations with both the Government of Myanmar, including Prime Minister Thein Sein, and key members of the opposition, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, as well as other relevant interlocutors," UN spokesperson Michele Montas told reporters in New York.

She added that Mr. Ban looks forward to building on this visit with a view to further promoting national dialogue and reconciliation through his good offices, and "calls on the Government and opposition to resume substantive dialogue without preconditions and without further delay."

The visit was Mr. Gambari's fifth to the country in the past year and a half, and is part of the good offices mandate entrusted to the Secretary-General by the General Assembly.

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