Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Myanmar to grant more new blocks for gem mining

Myanmar to grant more new blocks for gem mining
www.chinaview.cn 2008-12-23 21:30:25

YANGON, Dec. 23 (Xinhua) -- The Myanmar mining authorities will grant more new blocks in the north for domestic investors to do gem mining on a lease term for three years, the local Weekly Eleven News quoted the Ministry of Mines as reporting Tuesday.

These blocks lie in Shan state's Mongshu and Namhyar, Kachin state's Moenyin and Sagaing division's Mawhan Mawlu, it said.

Myanmar occasionally introduced such gem mining blocks for engagement by local entrepreneurs to promote gem production in the country.

In 2006, 77 blocks in Shan state and 39 in Mandalay division were allotted for gem mining, while 99 near Lonekin in Kachin state for jade mining,

In 2007, Myanmar granted again 319 jade mining blocks for such engagement. Among those unexplored jade blocks allotted, 139 were in northern Kachin state's Moenyin and 180 in Sagaing division's Khamhti.

Myanmar, a well-known producer of gems in the world, boasts ruby, diamond, cat's eye, emerald, topaz, pearl, sapphire, coral and a variety of garnet tinged with yellow.

The authorities designated the proceeds from the sale of gems at these emporiums as legal export earning to encourage the private sector in the development of the gem industry.

Of Myanmar's 6.043 billion U.S. dollars' exports in fiscal year 2007-08, which ended in March, gems products stood the third after natural gas and agricultural produces with 647.53 million dollars, according to official statistics.

The government's Central Statistical Organization also revealed that in the fiscal year 2007-08, Myanmar produced 20,235 tons of jade and 22.668 million carats of gems which include ruby, sapphire, spinel and peridot, as well as 225,611 mommis (846 kilograms) of pearl.

Latest statistics also showed that in the first quarter (April-June) of 2008-09, 10,876 tons of jade and 6.49 million carats of gems were produced.

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