Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Irrawaddy - Political Prisoner Htay Lwin Oo Dies

The Irrawaddy - Political Prisoner Htay Lwin Oo Dies
Monday, December 29, 2008

Burmese labor rights activist Htay Lwin Oo has died in Mandalay prison—the second political prisoner known to have died in Burma this month.

Htay Lwin Oo’s wife, Khin Hla Myint, told The Irrawaddy he had died on Sunday of tuberculosis, which she said had been left untreated by the prison authorities.

Htay Lwin Oo, a 46-year-old schoolteacher, was sentenced to seven years imprisonment in 2003 for his labor rights activities.

He was arrested along with 11 members of the National League for Democracy, who were sentenced to terms of imprisonment of up to 22 years for offences under section 5 (J) of the Emergency Provisions Act.

The Thailand-based Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) called Htay Lwin Oo’s death murder. “Tuberculosis can be treated, but the government failed to treat him,” said Bo Kyi, joint-secretary of the association, the AAPP.

“There are quite a number of political prisoners facing death because of the government’s failure to treat them,” Bo Kyi said.

A 35-year- old political prisoner, Maung San, serving a two year prison sentence, committed suicide in Pegu Prison in central Burma earlier this month, reportedly because he was not getting proper medical attention.

The two deaths this month brings the number of political prisoners who have died since 1988 to 138, according to the AAPP.

Htay Lwin Oo’s funeral took place at Mandalay’s Kyarnikan cemetery on Monday. He is survived by his wife and an eight year-old son.

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